About me

My name is Federico, or simply Fede. Yes, the name sounds Spanish, it is. I grew up in Spain and live happily in the self-proclaimed “most beautiful city in the world” Hamburg in Germany.

I paint since childhood, my beginnings were next to all the series and anime of the 80s, and of course fantasy. Already as a young boy my mother had read me the Lord of the Rings and infected me with the fantasy virus. Thanks Mom!

Of course I have played pen & paper role-playing games since childhood, I am also still a gamer and let all these inspirations flow into my paintings.

I am a hobby artist and since recently comic artist/author. I have fulfilled an old dream of mine to publish my own comic and plan to draw more. Generally I like to accept commissions that match my interests and style. It just depends if I have time and desire or if the money is right … and no, I don’t work for free. My time is too valuable for that. Who still wants to have a picture painted can write to me, in the worst case I say no ;)

If you have any further questions, you can contact me here.